Occupational Therapy

Areas of Occupational Therapy Services are listed below:

  • Gross Motor Skills

    • Movements relating to the large muscle groups such as our legs, arms and trunks

    • OTs can work with children to improve motor planning, sequencing, coordination, strength and balance to allow them to develop functional skills such as walking, running, jumping, climbing, & ball skills

  • Fine Motor Skills

    • Movements relating to the smaller muscle groups such as the hands and fingers.

    • OTs can work with children to improve fine motor coordination, grasp and release, object manipulation, hand strength and dexterity

  • Printing & Writing Competence

    • Pencil grasp, letter recognition and formation as well as written organization

  • Sensory Processing

    • Our ability to take in information from our senses (sight, hearing, smell, taste, touch, gravitational changes & body awareness), and process them accurately

    • Sensory processing challenges can lead to difficulties with self-regulation, attention, motor planning and many other functional skills.

  • Regulation

    • Self-regulation: The ability to adjust and maintain appropriate arousal levels for given situations or tasks

    • Emotional regulation: The ability to identify, manage and cope with emotions.

  • Social Skills

    • Perspective taking, group participation, functional peer & adult interactions, and flexibility

  • Play Skills

    • Pretend play and functional peer play skills including sharing and turn taking

  • Visual Motor Integration

    • Ability to coordinate visual perception and fine motor skills

    • These skills are important for functional tasks such as printing

  • Assistive Devices & Environmental Adaptation

    • Implemented devices or adaptations to an individual's environment that allow for maintenance or increase in independence of the child in everyday life

  • Enviromental Modifications

    • Classroom/home modifications, accommodations, equipment and assistive devices to improve participation in daily activities.

  • Cognitive Skills

    • Executive functions, attention, information processing, self-monitoring and learning skills

  • Self-Care Skills
    • Participation in daily routines including grooming, washing, feeding and dressing


Treatment Approaches / Qualifications